General questions

The starting point is to analyse the production process and ensure Cleaner production is followed in the process so as ensure minimal raw materials usage and waste discharge, after which required mitigation measures need to be implemented so as to minimise impact to environment from waste/discharge (solid, liquid, gases). It could be done through recycling, effluent treatment or through ensuring proper combustion and filtration of gases discharged from the industry.

    The first step to managing energy cost id to be informed. This is where metering and monitoring becomes important. “What cannot be measured cannot be saved”. Once you have the data in place then there should be commitment from top management towards energy management. This will help in preparing an energy management plan. The energy management plan should be the bible/guideline as how energy is managed in the industry so as to reduce cost.

      Yes! There was a time when energy was considered just a utility and a detailed cost analysis of energy was never done for costing of products and was kept as a percentage of product cost as other costs. Now a days energy cost plays a major role in product cost and any fluctuation in prices has an impact on product costs just like any other raw material.

      Yes! Energy has now become an integral part of product costing. With the increasing cost of procurement of energy caused mainly due to depleting resources and increased demand has a substantial impact. Thus implementing energy saving measures in different processes is beneficial to the industry as well as society as it insures energy security and stability as well as minimises environmental impact.
